Back Achieves SOC 2 Type II Certification


By Aubrey Merchant-Dest, today announced that it has achieved SOC 2 Type II certification. This is a significant milestone for the company, as it demonstrates its commitment to security and compliance, verified by a certified 3rd-party auditor.

SOC 2 Type I vs. Type II: SOC 2 Type I assesses the design of security controls at a specific point in time. SOC 2 Type II reviews the design and operating effectiveness of the controls over a period of up to 12 months. Type II provides a more comprehensive assessment of an organization’s security controls and is therefore more valuable to organizations that need to demonstrate their compliance with industry regulations or customer requirements.

SOC 2 Type II is a rigorous audit that assesses a company’s security controls over trust principles: security, availability, and confidentiality. The audit is conducted by an independent auditor, and the results are published in a report. Achieving SOC 2 Type II certification is important for a number of reasons. First, it demonstrates to customers that takes security seriously. Second, it can help the company attract new customers and partners. Third, it can help the company reduce its risk of a data breach. has been committed to security and compliance since its inception. The company has a comprehensive security program that includes a variety of controls, such as:

  • Data encryption
  • Access control
  • Security monitoring
  • Incident response

The company also has a strong compliance program that ensures that it is in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. The achievement of SOC 2 Type II certification is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the team. The company is committed to continuing to invest in security and compliance, and it is confident that this will help it to continue to grow and succeed. Learn more about‘s security and compliance practices by visiting our website or contacting us today. Achieving SOC 2 Type II certification is a significant milestone for any company. It demonstrates a company’s commitment to security and compliance, which is essential in today’s digital age. If you are a company that handles sensitive data, I encourage you to consider pursuing SOC 2 Type II certification. It is an investment that will pay off in the long run. If you are interested in learning more about SOC 2 Type II certification, please visit the website of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).